Chris Garbacz from Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club's Crew School will outline the CCYC’s Sailing Crew Training Program. Chris will discuss Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club’s annual 6 week Sailing Crew Training Program with us. Held each spring, CCYC’s Crew School teaches students the skills they need to become a valued crew member onboard. Whether you are a brand new beginner to sailing, or need a refresher, interested in cruising with your friends, or joining a racing program, you will learn how this training will amplify your sailing experiences for a safer, more enjoyable time out on the water.
For over 30 years, CCYC’s Crew School program has successfully trained dozens of new crew each spring for Chicago area skippers who are looking to fill out their summer crew ranks. Chris began racing in 2005 after attending Crew School. 17 years later, she has raced thousands of miles of local and long distance races including (11) Chicago and ( Bayview Mac Races.
Chris joined the program as an instructor from 2008-2014 and this spring marks her eighth year since taking over the helm. 2021 marked an exciting new adventure for the program, when Chris and her team expanded it virtually last year, into online and on demand offerings and a record 55 Attendees!
We look forward to learning from Chris' valued expertise.
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